

Publications available…….. and a must for anyone working with native woodlands. Explore a selection of reports, strategy documents, press releases and publications Woodlands of Ireland were involved in. Download any of the publications in PDF format below:

Native Woodlands Conference 2018: Report and Presentations

Arising from the very successful Native Woodland Conference held on April 30th and May 1st, 2018 at the Glenview Hotel, Delgany, Co. Wicklow, the interactive conference report: Twenty Years A-Growing […]

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Ireland's Native Woodlands Conference 2004 Proceedings page 01

Irelands Native Woodlands Conference Proceedings 2004

This post will provide a synopsis of the proceedings of Ireland’s first native woodlands conference in 2004. This was the first major conference with a dedicated focus on native woodlands […]

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A Pilot for the Restoration of Upland Gully Woodland in Ireland

The Development of a Gully Woodland Restoration Plan for the Upper River Dodder Catchment and the Identification and Assessment of Generic Issues of Relevance for Future Similar Projects in Ireland. […]

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Hedgerow Appraisal System Best Practise Guidance on Hedgerow Surveying, Data Collation and Appraisal

The Hedgerow Appraisal System: Best Practise Guidance on Hedgerow Surveying, Data Collation, and Appraisal publication arose out of a Woodlands of Ireland project, the National Hedgerow Database in conjunction with […]

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Native Woodland Scheme – Information Notes

In support of the Native Woodland Conservation Scheme The first eight in a series of technical bulletins focused on establishing and managing native woodlands. The native woodland information notes complement […]

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Our Trees: A Guide to Growing Ireland’s Native Trees

Our Trees: A Guide to Growing Ireland’s Trees and Shrubs in celebration of a new Millennium As part of the People’s Millennium Forests project, this publication, which is targeted at […]

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Management Guidelines for Ireland’s Native Woodlands

The “Management Guidelines for Ireland’s Native Woodlands” is a full colour publication which is a joint initiative between the Department of Culture, Heritage & the Gaeltacht and the Department of […]

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Woodlands of Ireland Audited Accounts

Each Audited accounts publication contains the Directors Report, Directors’ responsibilities statement, Independent auditor’s report, Statement of income and retained earnings, Balance sheet, Statement of changes in equity, and Notes to […]

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Host a Hive Initiative

In support of the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan, Woodlands of Ireland and the Forest Service have joined forces with the bee organisations in Ireland to support honeybees and promote pollination services. […]

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The Wilderness concept, Native Woodlands and Ireland

How the concept might be applied with reference to the mission of Woodlands of Ireland The Wilderness concept is currently very topical internationally and a number of stakeholders have asked […]

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Woodland Environmental Fund

In support of the Native Woodland Scheme An exciting initiative where the corporate sector provide additional funding to the Native Woodland Scheme in recognition of the multitude of ecosystem services […]

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A Strategy for Native Woodlands in Ireland 2016-2020

A 5-year vision for our native woodlands in Ireland developed by Woodlands of Ireland in partnership with native woodland stakeholders. Woodlands of Ireland urges all stakeholders to promote the targets […]

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Landscaping with Native Species

This website on eco landscaping with native species is targeted at local authorities, landscape designers, schools, and the general public. Reasoning behind website: The majority of landscape planting in Ireland, […]

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The Natural Capital Values of Ireland’s Native Woodlands

In 2012, Woodlands of Ireland commissioned a report on the natural capital value of Ireland’s native woodlands. The task of compiling this report was undertaken by Optimize Ltd and was […]

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Realising Quality Wood from Ireland’s Native Woodlands

This publication provides guidance to practitioners and landowners on how to achieve quality wood whilst maintaining and enhancing woodland biodiversity. It addresses the overriding objective of the Native Woodland Scheme […]

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Deer and Forestry in Ireland: A Review

This report was commissioned by Woodlands of Ireland on a National Deer Strategy in an attempt to distill current knowledge and experience of deer populations in Ireland, their effect on […]

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