
A Pilot for the Restoration of Upland Gully Woodland in Ireland

The Development of a Gully Woodland Restoration Plan for the Upper River Dodder Catchment and the Identification and Assessment of Generic Issues of Relevance for Future Similar Projects in Ireland. Click to download a digital copy in PDF. Abstract: “In the summer of 2006, Purser Tarleton Russell Ltd. prepared a report on the potential for […]

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Hedgerow Appraisal System Best Practise Guidance on Hedgerow Surveying, Data Collation and Appraisal

The Hedgerow Appraisal System: Best Practise Guidance on Hedgerow Surveying, Data Collation, and Appraisal publication arose out of a Woodlands of Ireland project, the National Hedgerow Database in conjunction with the Hedge Laying Association of Ireland now Hedgerows Ireland. A Hedgerow sub-group within Woodlands of Ireland compiled and published the document in early 2013 with

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Native Woodland Scheme – Information Notes

In support of the Native Woodland Conservation Scheme The first eight in a series of technical bulletins focused on establishing and managing native woodlands. The native woodland information notes complement the latest Native Woodland Conservation Scheme 2023-2027. When you enroll in the Native Woodland Scheme training course(s), these information notes come in an attractive A4

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Management Guidelines for Ireland’s Native Woodlands

The “Management Guidelines for Ireland’s Native Woodlands” is a full colour publication which is a joint initiative between the Department of Culture, Heritage & the Gaeltacht and the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine, the book provides owners and practitioners with key information on establishing and managing native woodlands as a living part of

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Irelands Native Woodlands Conference Proceedings 2004

This post will provide a synopsis of the proceedings of Ireland’s first native woodlands conference in 2004. This was the first major conference with a dedicated focus on native woodlands in Ireland and provided an opportunity to look back, take stock, and look forward.  The following papers were presented at the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology

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Woodlands of Ireland Audited Accounts

Each Audited accounts publication contains the Directors Report, Directors’ responsibilities statement, Independent auditor’s report, Statement of income and retained earnings, Balance sheet, Statement of changes in equity, and Notes to the financial statements. View the latest Woodlands of Ireland annual accounts in PDF format by clicking on the relevant link below: Audited Accounts 2022 Audited

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Host a Hive Initiative

In support of the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan, Woodlands of Ireland and the Forest Service have joined forces with the bee organisations in Ireland to support honeybees and promote pollination services. Native Woodland Scheme (NWS) woodland owners who are in receipt of NWS premiums will receive a letter outlining how they can host a beehive in

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