National Hedgerow Database

National Hedgerow Database

Woodlands of Ireland co-ordinated the development of a National Hedgerow Database in conjunction with the Hedge Laying Association of Ireland. As part of this process a publication funded by the Heritage Council on Hedgerow Surveying and Data Appraisal was completed early in 2013 (see ‘Publications’). The document titled “Hedgerow Appraisal System: Best Practise Guidance on Hedgerow Surveying, Data Collation and Appraisal” was achieved through the formation of a Hedgerow sub-group within Woodlands of Ireland. All County hedgerow data sets completed to date were compiled into one data set by Compass Informatics Ltd. and this was used to develop a National Hedgerow Database which is currently housed at the National Biodiversity Data Centre. Opportunities to develop mechanisms to make better use of existing and new hedge data, in relation to practical hedge conservation and design of new hedging species mixes locally, are being explored by Woodlands of  Ireland currently.

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