

Society of Irish Foresters Annual Conference 2021


ANNUAL FORESTRY CONFERENCE WEBINAR The right trees in the right places for the right reasons 14 October 2021, from 9.00 to 1.30pm   Minister and 11 speakers to address national conference on tree species selection to ensure sustainable forestry and sustainable living     This year's National Forestry Conference will take place as a webinar […]

The Wilderness concept, Native Woodlands and Ireland


Woodlands of Ireland have addressed the Wilderness concept and how it may apply in Ireland, with particular reference to native woodlands. It is a starting point to stimulate debate on this very current and topical issue. See our Publications page for further details. 

Native Woodland Scheme: Woodland Environment Fund


The Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has launched an innovative public:private initiative (PPI) whereby the corporate sector can provide additional Native Woodland Scheme top up payments to premiums paid to landowners who establish new native woodlands. Effectively this provides additional payments for ecosystem services provided through the creation of new native […]

A Strategy for Native Woodlands in Ireland


The Minister with responsibility for Forestry at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Andrew Doyle TD, launched 'A Strategy for Native Woodlands in Ireland 2016-2020' at Ballycoyle Wood, Glencree Co. Wicklow on July 14th, 2016. The Strategy – which was compiled by Woodlands of Ireland over the past two years in partnership with […]

Native Woodland Scheme


The Native Woodland Scheme for the current Forestry Programme 2014-2020 was formally launched in September 2015. Woodlands of Ireland worked closely with the Forest Service in revising the scheme, taking account of the experience of landowners, NWS foresters & ecologists, and contractors amongst others, over the past number of years. In addition, Woodlands of Ireland […]

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