Native Woodland Scheme

The Native Woodland Scheme for the current Forestry Programme 2014-2020 was formally launched in September 2015. Woodlands of Ireland worked closely with the Forest Service in revising the scheme, taking account of the experience of landowners, NWS foresters & ecologists, and contractors amongst others, over the past number of years. In addition, Woodlands of Ireland will promote the scheme with the public (primarily NPWS and Coillte) and private sectors (via the industry and individual landowners) in an effort to achieve the area targets for the scheme between now and 2020. These targets are 1,950 ha for NWS Conservation (of existing native woodlands) and 2,700 hectares for Establishment (the creation of new native woodlands) up to 2020. This represents a projected investment of c. €7.25m and €16.5m over the next six years for NWS Conservation and Establishment respectively. 

We believe the scheme is better than previous versions and are excited at the potential it has to offer in addressing the conservation of existing – and the creation of new native woodlands. Woodlands of Ireland would be grateful if you would actively promote the scheme amongst landowners in particular. If you have any queries or if potential applicants would like further information and guidance please contact the Forest Service or Woodlands of Ireland 


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