Realising Quality Wood from Ireland’s Native Woodlands

This publication provides guidance to practitioners and landowners on how to achieve quality wood whilst maintaining and enhancing woodland biodiversity. It addresses the overriding objective of the Native Woodland Scheme (NWS) now Native Woodland Conservation scheme (NWC) which is biodiversity, maintenance and enhancement.

  • The report assesses six of our native trees including sessile and pedunculate oak, ash, birch, alder and hazel using the NWS management framework document and providing economic projections over the rotations involved.
  • The management plans, schedule of operations, costs and revenues over the silvicultural cycles involved were on an accompanying CD-ROM inserted into the back cover of the publication.

Silvicultural Guidelines for Wood Production in the Context of the Native Woodland Scheme by Declan Little and John Cross


“As part of the rejuvenation of native woodlands now underway under the Forest Service Native Woodland Scheme, it is imperative that multiple objectives are met. These include environmental, economic and social considerations. The economic objective is important, in order to provide good quality wood for downstream value added produce, and also to provide a platform for the revival of woodland management skills and associated crafts. It is also imperative for woodland owners to derive some financial return, so that at least some of this may be re-invested in the continued management of their woodlands. Woodland management should not be solely dependent on grant-aid in the medium and long term; a degree of self sustainability
is required. It is to this end that these guidelines address the production of quality wood while at the same time not losing sight of the overriding nature conservation objective of the Native Woodland Scheme.

The approach adopted in developing these guidelines, involving the expertise and experience of ecologists and foresters coupled with an outside international perspective, should advance our understanding and knowledge of native woodland management. All involved are to be commended for their diligence and attention to detail. In addition, the sponsors of Woodlands of Ireland, i.e. the Heritage Council, the National Parks and Wildlife Service of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, and the Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture and Food, fully support this work, as it adds another important dimension to the current efforts to appropriately manage Ireland’s native woodland resource.”

Publication Details:

Publication Date: 2005

ISBN: 0-9550530-1-3

Published by: Woodlands of Ireland, 2005


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